Do you have your own website or maintain a website for your company? Anyone who has a website can and should dive into using Google Search Console in order to observe the performance of the site. You don’t have to sign up for Search Console to be included in a Google search, but signing up will show you how you can improve your website and better understand how Google sees your site.
In their guide to using Search Console, HubSpot says, “According to Google, whether you’re a business owner, SEO specialist, marketer, site administrator, web developer, or app creator, Search Console will come in handy.” And when it comes to improving your results on their search engine, Google knows best.
What Is Google Search Console?
First things first, you may be asking yourself, what is Google Search Console? Google offers several tools for viewing and analyzing your data. Google Search Console, formerly known as Google Webmaster, is a free platform that optimizes the organic presence of a website, monitors, and maintains how Google views the site for results.
Certain items that are viewed and monitored may include mobile site performance, search results, referring domains, and highest traffic pages. For example, you may have a blog post that has recently increased in traffic and you’d like to know which pages are bringing users to your site. This is where the Google Search Console can come in handy and the more you use it the less confusing it will become.
Why Do You Need It?
As a website owner, specialist, marketer, administrator, or developer you should become familiar with optimizing your website. It’s important for search engines and it’s also important to know what features may affect your level of search and your rank. According to Google, Search Console offers reports and tools for many actions including the following:
- It will show you which sites link to your website and send traffic.
- When Google comes across spam, indexing, or any other issues on your site, you will receive an alert.
- It lets you submit sitemaps and URLs for crawling.
- It will troubleshoot for mobile usability, search features, and AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages that load almost instantly on a mobile device).
- Google Search will fix indexing problems and request new content when needed.
- It will confirm that Google can find your website.
- Google Search will view traffic data for your website including how often viewers click through to search, which queries show your site, and how often your site appears in Google Search.
To be sure that Google has the freshest view of your site and you are up to date with the operation of your website, Google Search Console is something you should get familiar with. If you would like to start using this platform, click here to create an account.
Get Started with Search Console
Do you need additional help using Google Search Console? Whether you are a beginner or an expert with questions, get in touch with TargetMarket. We can help your business grow by improving your online presence with our comprehensive digital marketing services.