#WebWeds: Using Video in Your Marketing

Note: This was featured as part of our Web Wednesday segment on Charleston’s 105.5 The Bridge with Box in the Morning. You can catch us every Wednesday morning at 8:20 am ET for your dose of social media & digital marketing news. You can listen to the segment below:

2016 is by far and away the year of the video. You can’t scroll through your Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram feed without seeing videos everywhere. And there’s good reason for it–people love videos, therefore algorithms love videos. We’ve got a few stats for you to convince you exactly why you should start incorporating video marketing into your strategy.

– Including a video on your website’s homepage can increase the chances you’ll rank on the first page of Google search results by 53%. That’s more than half. What else can you do to increase your chances of ranking higher on Google by that amount? There’s not a lot, I can tell you that much.

– Including a video in your email newsletters can double click-through rates. Are you trying to increase your traffic from your email newsletters? Add a video, and you’re golden!

– 71% of marketers say that video conversion rates regularly outperform other types of marketing content. And that’s something that we can vouch for here at The Modern Connection, as we’ve placed video ads through Facebook that have gotten 1-cent clicks (the absolute lowest you can pay for a click).

– Audiences are 10 times more likely to engage with video content. What can we say? It’s fun, it’s interactive, and if you do it right, your audience will love it.

So, as a small business, what can you do to totally rock your video marketing?

  1. Keep your video short and sweet.

This is the reason that Snapchat, Vine, and Instagram videos are so popular–they’re so short! (Although Instagram has recently increased its video length from 15 to 60-seconds, we still say the shorter, the better.) Vine only allows 6 seconds for a video and Snapchat allows 10.

And in reality, you only have 3 seconds to grab your viewer’s attention before they move onto something else.

  1. Make it mobile friendly.

70% of all video consumption happens on mobile devices. And one mind-blowing statistic tells us that 500 million years’ worth of video is being consumed daily, and that’s only on Facebook. So it’s no wonder that social and mobile seem so synonymous.

  1. Use what you have.

You don’t need all kinds of fancy equipment to crank out videos. You can simply use your smartphone and some good lighting and take your own video content. There are also plenty of video apps to use right on your smartphone, like Boomerang, Splice, and Hyperlapse.

In addition, we offer videography services at The Modern Connection. So if you’re in the market for some more professional video, fill out our free consultation form and we’d love to see how we can help you.

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