#WebWeds: The Season of Love With Charleston Wine Pairings

Note: This was featured as part of our Web Wednesday segment on Charleston’s 105.5 The Bridge with Box in the Morning. You can catch us every Wednesday morning at 8:20 am ET for your dose of social media & digital marketing news. You can listen to the segment below:

With Valentine’s Day taking over our hearts–and wallets–yesterday, we wanted to keep the love alive. Twitter is a great go-to for finding out what’s happening in the world, and often #LoveHappens too. In fact, the hashtag #WeMetOnTwitter was trending for awhile yesterday while many Twitter users talked about how they met their significant others on the app.

This isn’t surprising, considering that people tweeted the word “love” more than 2.5 billion times in the last year alone.

Before diving in, we wanted to go over a few fun Twitter love facts to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

The most-liked tweet so far in 2017 was from former President Obama, days before passing the torch to POTUS 45.

And we all love emojis, right? Which is your top love-related emoji? Here are the top ten used on Twitter:

#WebWeds: The Season of Love With Charleston Wine Pairings

In this digital age, meeting love interests online has become more and more standard. So it’s not surprising that new dating apps keep popping into popularity. There’s no denying that Tinder and its swipe right, swipe left format has changed the dating game. But there are a couple of brand new dating apps that we think are pretty fun.

Hater is a dating app that allows you to find people that you match with based on the things you hate. Because if there’s one thing that can connect a couple, it’s venting about the things they hate.

#WebWeds: The Season of Love With Charleston Wine Pairings

Another cool new app is called Ona, which is almost like your own personal matchmaking service. Users can search for dating professionals who will help them to spruce up their online dating profile to help them find better matches.

#WebWeds: The Season of Love With Charleston Wine Pairings

This app is currently only NYC-based, but that’s okay because we have the dating professional right here in Charleston. Since February is all about love, this seemed like the perfect time to bring Buffie Bell Lilly on as our special guest.

#WebWeds: The Season of Love With Charleston Wine Pairings

Buffie started Charleston Wine Pairings, a premier matchmaking service, after attending the wedding of the seventh couple that she personally had set up. I’ve known Buffie for years, and she is Charleston’s top matchmaker and is so great at bringing people together. Can’t wait to see if she helps Box find love. ;)

Follow along with her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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