Top 10 Brand April Fool's Pranks of 2017

I’m not a big fan of April Fool’s in real life. I’m a pretty gullible person, so if someone tries to trick me, I’m probably going to fall for it. However, April Fool’s online is one of the best days of the year because so many brands come up with so many hilarious pranks. It’s amazing to see the creativity and the investment put into these silly pranks, but it makes surfing the internet on April Fool’s the best thing ever. So I wanted to put together a roundup of the top ten best brand April Fool’s pranks of 2017.

1. Google Gnome

Google is known for its silly pranks every year, so my first April Fool’s stop was, of course, The homepage had been updated with a small little blurb under the search bar that said “The smart yard is here” and a link to the Google Gnome in the Google Store.

2. Netflix Live

As their April Fool’s prank, Netflix had Will Arnett sitting on camera, narrating things. My favorite part was on April 2nd, when Netflix announced on the platform that Netflix Live had been cancelled, because they “overestimated the amount of time people wanted to spend binge watching microwaves.”

3. Hulu’s Hu

Our attention span has changed. Hulu is recognizing this by allowing its users to now watch full episodes in shorted 10-second clips. Who wants to spend hours binge watching a show, when they can get through an entire season in mere minutes?

4. Snapchat’s Instagram Filter

We’re all well aware of Instagram’s sneaky copycat move when they introduced Snapchat’s main Stories feature on their own platform. Snapchat used April Fool’s as a chance to get back at them by creating an Instagram filter. And of course, the best part is that the photos are only liked by your mom and two others.

5. Quilted Northern’s uSit

There’s wearable tech for everything else…so why not for your bathroom breaks? This hilarious video showcases Quilted Northern’s venture into the tech industry.

6. Google Maps Ms. Pacman

One of my personal favorites was the Ms. Pacman game that Google Maps added to their platform. (You can still go play, so I suggest you do so now.)

7. Redbox Houses

Why rent a Redbox movie for 99 cents when you can rent a tiny Redbox house for a night for $1.50?! You don’t even have to take the movie home with you!

8. Amazon Echo’s Petlexa

Now, the Alexa for your pet. Allow your furry friends to track their steps, place orders, and play ball with this fun new tech toy.

9. Seamless’s Delivery X

This seems like a much less cool way to get your food delivered and a way more cool way to work as a delivery person. If I was delivering food, it would definitely be parkour style.

10. Zappos’s In Secure Box

Stop getting your packages stolen with Zappos’s new invisible box technology. Just make sure not to trip on it on your way inside your home.

What is your favorite April Fool’s prank of 2017? Tweet us to tell us!

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