#MotivationMonday: 5 Marketing Quotes to Inspire You This Week

You’ve got your hot cuppa joe in hand and ready to begin the day. But, after checking emails and getting up-to-date on the latest digital trends, you still need an extra ‘oomph’ to get the day in motion.

You know, the ‘oomph’ that gets you excited about an idea and the passion to see it through. We know that’s the best feeling for any marketing strategist, which is why we’ve created our 5 favorite inspirational marketing quotes of the week to get you energized.


#1 “Social Media is more about sociology and psychology than technology.”

#MotivationMonday: 5 Marketing Quotes to Inspire You This Week


#2 “The best marketing strategy? CARE.”

#MotivationMonday: 5 Marketing Quotes to Inspire You This Week


#3 “Marketing is no longer about the stuff you make, but the stories you tell.”

#MotivationMonday: 5 Marketing Quotes to Inspire You This Week


#4 “Marketing is a contest for people’s attention.”

#MotivationMonday: 5 Marketing Quotes to Inspire You This Week


#5 “Stategy: a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim. The art of how to reach your potential customer.”

#MotivationMonday: 5 Marketing Quotes to Inspire You This Week


If you’re still missing that certain oomph to launch your business, give The Modern Connection a call! We are experts at traffic management, digital advertising, content strategy, and so much more. See what it’s all about by filling out our free consultation form or caling 800-759-7996.


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