Building a LinkedIn profile for your business is the easy part- the hard part is figuring out what to post. Since Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter attract most of the attention, it’s easy to let your businesses’ LinkedIn page slide to the backburner. However, with over 546 million users, LinkedIn is a valuable channel for building your brand identity and promoting your products or services. LinkedIn is a unique social media platform that is primarily used for professional networking, and your business can fit right in. Due to its audience and purpose, LinkedIn marketing strategies are different than any other social media network. Here are five strategies for marketing your business on LinkedIn like a pro.
Keep it Professional
While Facebook feeds are filled with baby, puppy, and an engagement photos, LinkedIn is not the right channel for posting this kind of content. LinkedIn audiences are interested in reading insightful professional advice and commentary, not a status about your nephew’s Little League game. If you are the owner of a small business who advertises to a local audience, you can personalize your content more than a larger corporation can, but aim to keep updates professional and relevant to your audience.
Use LinkedIn’s Analytic Tools
LinkedIn offers free analytic software for users. Without analytics, you won’t know what posts and other content your followers find interesting. The software tells you which posts had the most impressions, the most clicks, and the overall highest engagement from your followers. The analytics page can also inform you of the success of your sponsored content. Metrics help you increase the content your followers enjoy and limit the types of posts that earn little engagement. LinkedIn’s software also includes demographic information about your followers, which allows you to better understand your audience and develop your marketing strategy accordingly.
Be Active
Share engaging videos, written statuses, articles, and photos that will resonate with your LinkedIn audience. Unlike Twitter, which moves quickly enough to allow users to post a large volume of content, LinkedIn updates should be less frequent. Ideally, you should aim for 2-3 updates per week to keep your profile active without spamming your followers with content. Try to keep statuses concise and videos short. While Facebook users may leisurely scroll through a longer post, LinkedIn users tend to move through their feed quickly. Keep length and clarity in mind when writing your updates.
Cross-Promote Your LinkedIn
Your website should include links to all of your social media profiles, including your LinkedIn page. Visitors to your website may be interested in following your business on social media, so it’s important that these links are visible and easily accessible. You can also use your Facebook and Twitter pages to occasionally mention your LinkedIn profile. Don’t forget to link your page to your Google Plus and YouTube accounts to increase your follower counts.
Use Organic and Paid Ads
Engage with your audience by posting organic content such as company blog updates, a recently-opened position at your business, and industry news that your followers will find interesting. Organic content will help you reach a wider audience and won’t cost your business a dime. Whether you are seeing success from your organic content or you are struggling to find your voice, your business may benefit from sponsored content. LinkedIn’s advertising programs allow you to set a budget and generate a certain number of clicks and impressions. Advertisements can be deployed as sponsored content, sponsored InMail, dynamic content, or text ads.
To connect with today’s audiences, your business should be active on as many social media channels as possible including Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Unfortunately, managing all of your social media channels is a huge time commitment that can distract you from your other responsibilities.
Our expert creative team can help create a phenomenal online following and allow you to focus on your business. Give us a call at (888) 632-4499 to find out how we can help you grow your company through digital marketing.