Avoiding Fake News While Curating Content
Curating content is the process of finding other articles online that you can post as news to your business social media accounts. These articles are going to be relevant to your business or the town in which you conduct business. These articles should be things that would spark conversation amongst your followers and position your business as an expert in your field or as a go-to page for local news and events.

Curating content can be as simple as collecting interesting articles from sites such as Facebook and Linkedin using the “save” feature. Both of these platforms allow you to save articles and go back to read or share them later. This can be a big time saver when you are creating a content calendar. Another tip to curate content is to stick with subjects related to your business or community and google those subjects. Click on the “news” tab through google to find relevant articles of interest.

Avoiding Fake News While Curating Content

When you are curating content, be mindful of what you are sharing. You’ll want to read through the article to make sure it’s a legitimate story and check your sources. Google the article or the subject to see if any reputable sources are reporting the story. If it’s coming through a local news station, chances are you are okay. Double check any photos relating to the article and make sure you are comfortable posting under your business profile. Lastly, if the article is about another business or company, make sure to tag them in the post. This is how you can start to build relationships in your community or with other companies that you may want to interact with online.

However, if you are saving articles from social media platforms, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the article is legitimate. Facebook has recently had problems with fake news sites showering their platform with misinformation. As content marketers, it’s our job to verify the curated content we share as to not be a part of the problem; especially when the article is being shared to a business page. Learn what news sites are not legitimate and be aware of news sites that are satirical in nature, such as the onion.

If all this is too much to bear, take the hassle out of your content marketing calendar and let us take the reigns for you in 2017! If you are interested in learning more about our services and how we can help you curate content to suit your business, fill out our free online consultation form or give us a call at (800) 759-7996.

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