Growing your email list requires a little more effort than a “click here to receive our newsletter” or “join our list.” You may need to step up your game to create enticing, clear, and valuable opt-in incentives. Start attracting new subscribers with the following tips:

Create good content

Not all content is worth it for a visitor. Start by offering some beginner advice in a blog post. In order to receive advanced tips, give them an option to opt-in by submitting their email on a landing page.

Collect emails from your website

Create multiple ways for your audience to opt-in on your website with incentives. Strategically place offers throughout your site directing the user to a landing page. This will not only increase the number of people willing to sign up, but it will also help improve the relevance of the emails being sent to your subscribers.

Create a “gated-offer”

Host a free whitepaper or ebook on a landing page that directs users to submit their email address in order to download it. Be sure to choose a topic that will help your user to go from downloading to having a productive conversation with a member of your team or product to be purchased.

Shorten your forms

Reduce your sign up forms to a couple of fields. Attempting to collect too much information from your user can change a person’s mind. Once you start a conversation, you will have the opportunity to learn more.

Offer a video course

Your audience may be drawn to fill out a form in exchange for an ongoing video course. You may post a recording or hold a live course, but be sure to send your user a follow-up video they can access for future reference.

Add a call-to-action button to your Facebook Page

Link a “Sign Up” CTA button on your Facebook Business Page. Direct the link to a landing page that requires an email address for access to an offer or special resource.

Host a free webinar

Webinars are a great way to access your target audience. This gives you the opportunity to talk about your industry, share your expertise, give tips, or sell your product. Make signing up a requirement to download or view a recording.

Having trouble growing your email marketing database? We can help. Contact TargetMarket today and learn how we can help your business grow.

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