Social Media can be the best way to advertise your business. Initially, it can essentially be a free avenue to introduce your brand online, however, it can be tricky. There’s a popular saying that goes “If you build it, they will come” but this doesn’t apply to social media. You can build it but the chances of people finding it on their own can be slim. Here’s a few things you can do to first increase awareness to your page and then increase engagement once they get there.
1. Invite people to like your pages. This can be directly via Facebook or via email to your current customers. Encourage them to follow you through a newsletter, via in-store or even by just following your customers from your business platforms to alert them that you are now on their favorite platforms.
2. Ask questions. Now that you’ve gotten them here, it’s time to find out what they’d like to see from you. Asking them questions about your products or the types of content that they find valuable will not only help increase engagement but also includes your customers in your journey online. By asking, they know you respect their opinion and care about the type of content they want to see.
3. Answer their questions and reply to their comments or reviews. Engagement is a two-way street. Your customers will want to interact with you more if they know they will be receiving a response in return. This helps build online relationships and creates a following because they know you are a brand they can interact with online.
4. Comment on your customers’ pages. Share in their life by keeping up with your customers from your brands page. Like or heart their photos and show them that there is a person behind the brand.
5. Run a contest. Running a contest is the best way to increase engagement to your page because everyone loves to win free stuff. And especially if you are partnering up with other brands. This increases interaction on the post and brand awareness for all participants involved in the giveaway. Take this a step further and make sure you are following everyone responding to the review and make sure you are commenting and engaging in conversation throughout the process.
6. Run ads. If you are still struggling to gain the audience you’re looking for, running a brand awareness campaign can certainly help to pick up the slack from the organic side. A mixture of organic and paid is the social media metric for success. Organic creates content for your page so people have content and something to view once they get to your page but an ad can help them get you there.
If you’re still finding yourself struggling with your content strategy, we can help. Now more than ever, it’s important to have an online presence that works for your brand and we are here to help guide you. Fill out our free consultation form online to chat strategy and get your brand moving in the right direction online.