6 Ways to Repurpose Your Digital Content

You work hard on the content that you create to market your business online. Isn’t it a bummer that you only get to use it once, and then never again?

No, it’s not a bummer. Because you can use it again. Over and over again, actually. We’re going to go over a few of the ways that you can repurpose your digital marketing content so that it’s always fresh and new and working for your business.

1. Turn a blog post into a SlideShare.

SlideShare is a digital software owned by LinkedIn that allows you to turn your content into a slideshow presentation. If you previously wrote a blog post that you’d like to share in another format, you can put together a SlideShare with the same information. These will be hosted on the SlideShare website, but they’re also easy to embed into a LinkedIn Pulse post and also integrate well on Twitter.

2. Turn a Facebook Live video into a blog post.

Did you have a really great live-stream on Facebook? Don’t let it live only on Facebook. Embed it into a blog post and give a short summary of the video. (Seriously, that’s all you have to do–you don’t even have to write an entire post, unless you want to of course.) Share the link to the Facebook Live video onto your other social platforms as well to cross-promote it.

3. Turn a blog post into an infographic.

Do you want to go viral on social media? Disclaimer: this isn’t a guaranteed method. However, infographics perform extremely well on social media, and especially visually-centered platforms like Pinterest. Outsource the work to a graphic designer, or check out Canva’s infographic templates to create your own.

4. Share Snapchat photos and videos onto other platforms.

Snapchat is a fun platform because you can do so many different things with your images/videos. You can move the text around and change its color, draw, add stickers, and even Bitmoji to your content. Save your snaps to your camera roll so that you can also upload them to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and have additional content to share.

5. Turn multiple blog posts into an ebook.

Have you written multiple blog posts centered around the same topic? Mesh those together and create an ebook that you can use as your email list opt-in. Let’s elaborate a little further: one of the best ways to get new leads for your business is to build up your email list. And to build up your email list, you need to offer an incentive for potential customers to sign up. An ebook is an excellent way to do that, and if you can put one together from blog posts that you’ve already written, then you’re making life much simpler.

6. Reshare old social media updates.

Wait, what? Yes, you can absolutely do this! Social media content that is relevant at any time of the year is affectionately called “evergreen content.” And you can totally repurpose it and reshare it after a few months. Your entire audience won’t see every post, so resharing content actually gets it in front of more eyes. So yes, we definitely recommend resharing content every so often.

Don’t let your awesome content go to waste. Instead, repurpose and reshare it so that more of your audience will have the chance to see it. Don’t have time to create digital content? Let us do it for you! Call us at 1-800-759-7996 or fill out our free consultation form.

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