From epic advancements in AI, to losing several beloved entertainers, to a tumultuous election season – we can all agree that 2016 was a roller coaster of a year.
Thankfully, we have a renewed sense of optimism as we roll into the new year and our little Digital Marketing hearts are aflutter with new trends emerging in 2017.
Here’s what we’re most excited about in no particular order:
#1 Home Automation: New apps like Nest allow users to automate and control their settings at home, such as locking doors, closing garages, and adjusting the thermostat, through smartphone apps. Hello, future!
#2 Virtual And Reality Games Combine: Pokemon Go proved that we’re ready for Augmented Reality games that allow you to explore reality IRL. Augmented reality blends information and entertainment while the user explores what’s around them through the camera lens.
#3 Snapchat Spectacles: Two TMC employees visited the Snapchat Spectacles pop-up in New York city, with robust excitement. Community Manager Chloe can’t wait to document 2017 with her new ‘specs.’
#4 Wireless Charging: Wireless headphones may not be 2017’s most convenient new accessory, but wireless charging will be all the rage. Cords are so 2016 *sigh*
#5 International Data Plans: Carriers like T-Mobile and Sprint have been pushing unlimited data plans and expanding their international packages. Here’s to more travel and more Instagramming abroad!
#6 Facebook Combating Fake News: 2016 was a rough year for journalism. In 2017, Facebook plans on fighting fake news and clickbait-y content by having popular stories vetted by 3rd parties.
#7 Globalization by Google: Google is making heavy strides in data being able to “learn” in real time. For example, the Google Translate app allows users to translate foreign signs IRL using the camera lens.
#8 Snapchat Repositions: Snapchat was never going to be able to compete with Facebook and Instagram. Especially after the latter platforms “borrowed” a lot of Snapchat’s features. In 2017, Snapchat is now positioning itself as Snap. Inc and brands itself as a “camera company.”
#9 Pay-to-Play: It’s a pay-to-play world and we’re just livin’ in it. If you saw your organic reach decline in 2016, you can expect to see your reach drop more in 2017 unless you invest in advertising.
#10 Bots, Bots, Bots: The rise of messaging and customer service bots is going to explode in 2017. Even small businesses are getting in on the automated game by setting up automatic responses to customers through Facebook Messages.
#11 Live-Streaming Will Explode: We got a taste of live content in 2016, but users will now begin to demand immediate experiences from brands and entertainment they follow on social media.
#12 E-commerce and Social Media: Instagram is already flirting with e-commerce through tagged photos, and Facebook is doing the same. This is big news for retailers, especially in fashion. Soon, you can purchase an entire outfit directly from these social media platforms.
#13 Instagram Business Tools: Business tools are set to include company profiles, analytics and the ability to create ads from posts directly within the Instagram app.
#14: A Stand Against Online Harassment : Twitter is leading the way against cyber harassment by introducing new tools and algorithms to prevent repetitive messages using hate speech and the ability to “mute” any conversation, even if your @ handle is tagged.
#15 Is Youtube Advertising in Your Strategy? Because it should be. Last year, the top 100 advertisers have increased their advertising spend on YouTube video ads by 50%. Get on board to reach your customers!
#16 Bon Voyage, traditional office culture: The rise in remote employees and telecommuting will peak in 2017 and the traditional 9-5 will be challenged in favor of unique work perks. Happier employees = better productivity and results.
#17 Virtual Assistants Rule: Alexa, Siri, and Cortana are paving the way for hands-free information. Amazon’s Echo even allows users to purchase items just by voice recognition.
Which emerging tech trend are you most looking forward to using in 2017? Tweet us to tell us!