Pinterest is one of our favorite platforms for increasing brand awareness and driving traffic to our client’s websites. The visual search engine holds countless photos that are pinned and pinned and pinned for months even years! With over 300 million monthly active users*, Pinterest continues to grow by the second and it’s not slowing down anytime soon. So what is the key to Pinterest? How do I use Pinterest to benefit my brand? The answer is Tailwind. Tailwind will change your Pinterest game overnight and is a necessity for your business if you are serious about succeeding on the platform.
What is Tailwind?
Tailwind is a Pinterest marketing tool that helps you run your account the smartest and most efficient way. Instead of pinning one by one to each board, Tailwind saves you loads of time by letting you schedule multiple pins at once and to multiple boards. In the past, I would just pin whenever was convenient, but Tailwind maximizes these efforts through pin scheduling with just a few clicks. The site has just about everything you need to be a successful pinner!
Scheduling Pins
Our favorite thing about Tailwind is that you can schedule your pins ahead of time. Tailwind can create a schedule for your account where pins are shared at the times your followers are most active giving you the best results.

Tailwind Tribes
Tailwind Tribes are a great way to easily expand your audience and reach new users! These are group boards where pinners share their own pins to each other in hopes fellow group members will repin them. Not only are you growing your own account by sharing your pins in tribes, but you also get the chance to connect with like-minded users and share their content to your own boards. Below is an example of a tribe created for fashion bloggers. As you can see, I’ve received 32 new re-shares from people in my tribe which is great news! Take note of the “tribe rules” to the left – creators can create their own rules for their tribes to ensure the sharing is fair and that everyone is participating.

Now that you’ve been using Tailwind for a while, take a look at your analytics to see what is performing well. Tailwind has great analytics with everything from which is your most popular board to how many repins you have each day. Use these analytics to help you decide what kind of content you’re going to create in the future. If you notice your followers are really taking to Charleston related content, create a Charleston travel guide on your blog and share it to Pinterest.
Ready to take your Pinterest to the next level? Give us a call at (888) 632-4499 or fill out our free consultation form and we’ll help get you started!
*These statistics were last updated October 3rd, 2019.