As we all know, Instagram takes the throne for visual content. And visual content is ultimately the most efficient way to entice potential customers and therefore, having interesting, high-quality photos on all social media platforms, especially Instagram, is non-negotiable.

Create a Personality

Our team members Travis and Camille are out on-site for a client photoshoot today!

A post shared by The Modern Connection (@tmcsocialmedia) on

Think of using Instagram as a conversation with your customer or reader. Only the conversation isn’t with words, it’s with visual content. The most successful conversations aren’t built on sales pitches or highly staged fabrications, therefore, you don’t want to use your Instagram in such a manner. Your voice is your brand.

Alongside beautiful images, insert a behind-the-scenes personal touch once a week or a few times per month.

Choose an Overall “Theme”

An Instagram theme is completely objective to each unique account. There’s a lot of freedom in choosing a theme, but it also helps your businesses branding with consistency.

Popular options include using the same filter for every post or adding your logo to the corner of each photo.

Here at The Modern Connection, our theme is applying the same filter, as you can see below.

Hashtags Are Your BFF

Open up the Notes app in your phone and add 15-20 relevant and popular hashtag keywords related to your business. Use keyword search tools like or Post Planner to see which hashtags could work best for your brand. Once you’ve chosen your most compatible tags, type them into your notes app for easy access. Now, you’re just a simple copy and paste away to reaching potentially millions of users with your hashtag strategy!

Add your website to your profile


As soon as you create your Instagram profile, your first task is to add your website URL to the profile header. Or, if your business is content-driven, add a new blog post or product URL, then create a graphic in canva that has the blog title or photo of the product and write “link in bio!” in the caption so your audience will know precisely where to easily find access to that specific content.

Use Call-to-Actions

Using CTA’s is similar to the above recommendation. Integrate contests, promotions, sales, or any action you want your audience to follow on Instagram by creating a custom graphic that incentivizes your audience to follow a specific action like clicking your link in the bio or heading, commenting on the post, or visiting the website for a sale

Pro tip: don’t TRY to add your website’s URL to your caption in hopes people will click it. This is not a feature that Instagram allows. It won’t work and it likely will not work in the near future.

Create a Budget for Instagram Ads

Social Media is more “pay to play” than ever before and this will likely not change. Especially Instagram and Facebook – since Instagram was purchased by Facebook 4 years ago, the social media giant is now becoming a tour de force in the advertising realm.

If you want your content to be seen by more people, or you want your content to be seen by specific people, then you need to seriously consider allocating a budget for advertising. You will place your ads through Facebook’s advertising interface so familiarize yourself with its features and your target audience.

Are you ready to take your business to the next level or  do you simply not have the time to manage your online presence full-time? Contact The Modern Connection for a personalized digital strategy at 1-800-759-7996.

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