Ranking on Google's SERP

If you are reading this article, you found us via the internet. If you use the internet, then you are familiar with the search engine giant, Google. Google is the number one search engine in the world and wins 70% of search engine traffic. And yes, I googled that information.

Google’s search engine crawls websites for keywords to display when someone google’s or searches for a particular topic. The main goal for businesses is to show up on the first page of Google results or the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) to be right in front of your customers. This tells the customer that your website has the most relevant information on that particular topic. But, it’s not as simple as stuffing your website with keywords, in fact, Google frowns upon this practice.

Researching Google’s rules and keeping track of algorithm changes can be quite time consuming, as Google makes frequent changes to give their users the best options for their online searches. In response, marketing departments have created roles solely for SEO or Search Engine Optimization. SEO, like social media, is an ever-changing evolving concept that requires constant monitoring to make sure your business is complying with the rules. What worked one month, may not be working the next. And just when SEO managers get used to Google’s rules or signals that account for ranking, Google decides to add in new criteria.

New criteria means taking a look back at all of your pages on your website to make sure they will meet this new ranking criteria. SEO managers spend their days poring over these rules and creating that perfect formula for their website to land number one on the SERP. Creating web pages that are interesting to the customer, but also relevant to Google’s crawlers is ultimately the perfect SEO recipe.

To compete, small businesses should spread out their online presence through other networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Depending on what platforms make sense for the business. Creating different avenues where your business or brand will show in search results will help to generate more brand awareness and more opportunities for your company to show on the first page of the SERP. Also creating new blog posts to consistently update your website will also show relevance for particular keywords pertaining to your business.

If SEO and social media isn’t your cup of tea, that’s where we can take the lead. Our staff is trained on the latest social media and SEO practices to keep your business top of mind. Call us to set up your free consultation today!

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