How to Make Your Video Marketing Have the Biggest Impact

If you have a business online and are seeking out new ways to market yourself, you may be interested in investing some time into online video marketing. As of the end of 2016, ⅓ of all online activity is spent watching videos. By coming up with videos to market your product online, you greatly increase the chance that your customer will see the video and be more likely to buy your product. Here are some tips on how to make great videos that will catch your customer’s eye.

Keep them short. In this day and age, there are so many things to distract your customer and keep them from focusing on your video. Therefore, you’ll want to keep your videos short and sweet. A good rule of thumb is under thirty seconds for an advertisement, roughly the same amount of time as a TV commercial. If you can fit it under 15 seconds, even better.

If you are going to be on camera, take some time to rehearse what you will say. People can tell when you are nervous, and if you are reading your lines from somewhere off camera. Being able to talk about your product or company confidently will help the viewer to believe that you are genuine.

Invest in some solid camera equipment, or hire out the service to a professional company who can do the filming for you. There is a lot to be said for professional videography, and though you can make a perfectly fine video with an iPhone these days, there are seriously measurable results for professional videos. If you don’t have the money for a camera or a videography company, investing in good lighting can also vastly improve the quality of your video.

Use the resources and people around you to brainstorm ideas. One of the most effective ways of coming up with good quality content for our videos is by bouncing ideas off of each other in our office. Having creative discussions with your team can help generate new ways to market your firm.

Another way to make sure your customer remembers you is to use consistent branding throughout your videos. By using the same intro, style, and closing slides across your videos, people will begin to associate the intro with your brand and it may entice them to stick around just through the connection they make with your graphics.

Video marketing is going to make waves in 2017, and it is in your company’s best interest to consider the worth and impact that video can have for your business. If you are interested in taking your video marketing to the next level, shoot us an e-mail at!

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