Engagement is the number one way to measure the ROI of your social media presence. So the big question is, how do you get your followers engaged with your posts? The Modern Connection’s short answer: use what’s trending.

Trending topics make it easier to gain more engagement through your posts because you are talking with your audience about things they probably already know and have an opinion about and if they don’t – you are presenting yourself as an industry expert. Our team knows it can be daunting to find out what’s trending across various platforms, so we are making it easy with this handy dandy guide.


On mobile, you can just use your search bar! After tapping on it, a drop down menu will appear with your recent searches and just below it you’ll see the heading “Trending”. Under this heading will be a list of about 20 or so topics that are trending across the platform worldwide.

How to Find Out What’s Trending and Use it in Your Marketing

On desktop, scroll down until you find them on your right sidebar in your news feed. There are several different categories of trending topics to choose from.

How to Find Out What’s Trending and Use it in Your Marketing

After clicking on a trending topic, you will be directed to a page where you can slide through and preview various articles and videos on the topic. Underneath is a section titled “People are Saying”. This is where you want to be. Browse this section and use it to help formulate your topic centered content message and voilá! You’ve got yourself a perfect post!  


Again, use that search bar! When you select it, a page will appear with the top two headings being “Trends for you” and “Today’s Moments”. There are other headings as you scroll down based on who you follow, and then at the end of those an explore all section with various topics.

How to Find Out What’s Trending and Use it in Your Marketing

On desktop, you can scroll down to your right sidebar to check up on current trending topics.

How to Find Out What’s Trending and Use it in Your Marketing

We love the “Trends for you” section because it’s filled content recommended for you based on what you’ve already shown interest in through your Twitter presence. It takes some of the ground work away from you by filtering trending hashtags to match your (and most likely your followers) interests. “Today’s moments” provides a slideshow of tweets based on the topic you select. This is a great place to find memes and gifs which are always a crowd favorite!


When in the app, click on the magnifying glass on the bottom banner. ( Aka the ‘explore’ or ‘search’ tab – are you noticing a pattern here? ???? ). You’ll be brought to a page with a grid of photos and videos that are based around your interests and content similar to that of accounts you already follow.

How to Find Out What’s Trending and Use it in Your Marketing

The biggest challenge with this is that only a few of the grid squares are slightly larger and have captions, so you have to click on each post to see what it’s about and who posted it. Although this is an extra step from the other platforms, the content inspiration is totally worth it.  

Two things to keep in mind when using trend for content: First, be sure you relate it somehow back to your brand! If you’re posting something that is trending without relating it to your brand’s interest, you’re missing the mark.

Second, these platforms are used by millions of people worldwide and so these “trending” topics may not always be what you want to focus on. If a trending topic is relevant to your page, use it! If not, do some research on your own Newsfeed and see what your audience is talking about and start there!

TargetMarket can’t wait to see what trending content you come up with and who knows, you might even go viral!

Think this is all a great idea but don’t have the time or desire to figure it all out? Call us today and schedule a free consultation to see how TargetMarket can help you bring your social media presence to the next level.   

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