Launching a big marketing campaign can be stressful for any business. You’re worried about whether or not it will be successful and the steps you need to take to make it so. You’re wondering if the campaign will push your business ahead, but one thing you need to ensure successful in your launch is to make sure your website is ready. Before launching your next marketing campaign, take a look at these 7 tips to help prepare your website.
1. Start Early
Creating a successful website that is ready to launch takes time. Start early! Your website will only be successful if it is 100% ready to receive viewers. So spend time making it perfect and plan ahead to ensure that your website is ready for the launch date.
2. Get your SEO Ready to Go
Look at the trending views on your website. Find out how your viewers are finding your site and what they’re clicking on once they get there. Use these keywords to your advantage and keep them in mind when creating website content.
3. Ensure Proper Website Functionality
It is important to constantly comb through your website. Look for broken links, out of date language and content, and images that may no longer be functioning properly. Make sure your website is running quickly and that your photos are loading in reasonable time. (Be sure to do this before all major website launches!) If your viewers visit a website that takes too long to load or directs them to a broken link, you will lose them.
4. Make Sure Your Website is Smartphone Friendly
It’s 2017 and your website must be smartphone friendly. Technology is quickly becoming more mobile with iPhones, Androids, and tablets becoming the new desktop. Make sure your website is mobile responsive and easy to use on the go. ProTip: some websites (like WordPress) have themes designed specifically for mobile devices!
5. Automate Your Content and Social Media
Once your website has been launched, you will be busy. Your business should be on a variety of social media platforms to direct viewers to your website, however social media can be time consuming. Plan your posts ahead of time and let automated schedulers do the work for you!
6. Be Sure to Post Regularly
Ideal frequencies for posting vary depending on your business and the social media outlet you’re using. Check out this infographic from BufferApp on how often you should be posting to each social media platform:
7. Analyze Your Website’s Data and Improve
It is important to look forward with your business plan. As you launch your first marketing campaign, take note of what worked and what didn’t so that you can make the next launch more successful. Ask yourself the following questions:
- Which locations drew in the most views?
- Which locations drew in the most conversions?
- Which keywords were most important?
- Which videos or posts were most shared?
These 7 steps will help you make sure your website is ready for new business and successfully support your marketing campaign. Not quite ready to take on a full blown campaign and launch? Whether you just need a few suggestions or you want to turn it all over to our team, we’ve got your business’s best interest in mind!