Trends in content creation come and go. But for all of the current content trends, there are just as many digital marketing best practices. One of those best practices that has withstood the test of time? Blogging. 

So while no two clients are the same and no two brands should have the exact same content strategy, blogging for your brand should be and should remain one of the top ways to reach your target audience. 

What better way to make the case for blogs than to blog about it? These are the top 4 reasons why blogs are still relevant in 2020: 

Search Engine Results

If your website is optimized with a blog and you are updating it properly and regularly, there is a 434% higher chance of being shown and highly ranked on search engines. A study shows that 71% of people stop scrolling Google’s search results after the first page. Only 6% of people actually continue on to other result pages. With stats like that, it’s important to show up and make an impression on that first page of search results. To get those search engine results when blogging you also want to make sure your written copy, optimization and keywords are all in line with your website and brand. 

Blogs Are a Resource 

Websites are one of the first places your customers go to find out more about your brand. Blogs are a resource and a personal connection to your customer. Use this space to answer questions, to help solve issues, and to further establish your brand’s voice. Remember, you are the expert on your brand, so don’t be afraid to share your knowledge with your readers. 

It Leads Customers to Your Website

According to Hubspot research, marketers who prioritize blogging efforts are 13x more likely to see positive ROI. And by incorporating your blog posts into social media content, customers are more likely to click to read more on your website. When you are writing about helpful topics, the chances your blog post will also receive inbound links (links back to your website) are higher. Inbound links are one of the best things that can happen for your website’s SEO. 

Create a Community

Once you establish yourself as an industry expert through your blog, encourage your community to participate in a conversation in the comments section. By posting and responding to comments, customers will feel as though they have made a personal connection with your brand. Customers with that connection to a brand are more likely to engage, follow and invest (make a purchase, show interest in a service, etc.) And by cultivating conversations on your blog, there’s a chance you can learn even more about your potential customers. 

Blogs are one of the original tried and true forms of digital marketing. But creating a successful blog takes time and consistency. As a business owner, we know that your time is valuable. At TargetMarket, we are here to dedicate our time to building your brand’s digital presence. Get in touch with us by filling out our form to schedule a free consultation. 

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