It’s a new year, which always seems like a great time to start reflecting on your goals. Although not everyone on the TMC team really believes in resolutions (we all agree that you should work on your goals all year, and not only every January), we still had each person put together their personal and professional goals for the year. After all, one of the best ways to meet your goals is accountability!
Here are our team’s 2017 New Year’s Resolutions.
Ashley T. Caldwell, Founder & CEO
Be present, forward-thinking and do more of what makes me happiest.
Jenn Steere, Director of Content Marketing
My word for 2017 is Balance.
Personal: Since I just purchased a home at the end of last year, my 2017 goal is to make my new house a home.
Professional: Continue in my professional development by learning new skill sets that I am able to apply to my role.
Megan Wilcox, Digital Marketing Consultant
My personal resolution this year is to set aside relaxing/unwinding time to destress and make sure to take time to “unplug” to really appreciate all that is around me in the moment. I would also like to spend more time exploring; whether that’s discovering more of Charleston, or traveling to other places.
Professionally I would like to learn something new everyday; whether that’s by reading an article, or having a conversation with someone in a different industry. I want to keep challenging myself, but also make sure to have fun in the midst of it all!
Jessica Turner, Digital Coordinator
I don’t typically make a New Year’s resolution because I don’t believe that there should be one time of year when we decide to do or be better people. I feel that if you want change in your life, every day is the perfect opportunity to make it happen. However, I decided on January 2nd that I needed to rid myself of a simple, but very important bad habit, so I’m calling it my resolution for 2017 (and hopefully forever).
I have a confession to make….I’m addicted to my phone. It’s always by my side, and I feel a slight sense of panic when it’s not near me. That’s not one bit healthy. I had fallen into the habit of ending the evening with the TV on and my eyes scrolling through some app on my phone. Then, I’d go to bed and continue to scroll through apps…lights out, phone on. I know this is bad for my health, my sleep, and my relationship with the hubby. So, my resolution is to not touch my phone once I’m in bed. No exceptions. Hopefully this will lead to an overall trend of relying less on gadgets to occupy my time – small steps. Two days in and my phone and I already feel much more rested!
Chelse Hensley, Social Media Advertising Specialist
I want to travel more and be more brave, continue to break out of my comfort zone both personally and professionally. “Don’t be afraid to get out on a limb — that’s where the fruit is.”
Camille Sligh, Community Manager
My professional resolution has been hanging over my head for years, but it wasn’t until recently that I realized I had the power to change it and as a matter of fact, should change it. I resolve to say “sorry” less. Don’t get me wrong, there is definitely a time and a place for apologies but apologizing for my everyday (no-need-to-apologize) actions is just silly. It’s crazy how easy it is to replace “sorry” with “excuse me”, “whoops”, “thank you’ or a simple “okay”. My personal resolution is to read more books. I made a genuine effort to see this one through last year, but it just didn’t happen and I am ready to follow through. Reading is great for expanding your vocabulary, getting your mind off of things (who doesn’t need help there?) and I think it can actually be quite relaxing! So here’s to 2017, not apologizing for asking a question and reading more books!
Chloe West, Community Manager
My resolution this year is to live with intention. I want to be mindful about what I’m doing each day, and how that is going to get me towards my end goals. I want to stop wasting so much time with Netflix and Facebook, and instead utilizing that time to do something that will better myself. I want to fill my life with things that will better my life in the long run, rather than just pass the time.
Travis Ewing, Content Creator
Personal: Become the best Overwatch player on the planet. Or the best guitar player. Whichever is easiest.
Professional: Continue to be the smartest person in the office, and make sure that all of my coworkers know it by including it in my New Year’s Resolution.
Kylie Parr, Jr. Community Manager
My New Year’s Resolution is to love myself as much as Kanye loves himself, and to remember ALL of my passwords.
Christy Lippiatt, Support Specialist
I’ve never really been good with New Year’s Resolutions. Like many, I do ok at the beginning and then slowly slip off the wagon until something happens and I find myself saying, “well, next year..” This year however, I would like to keep my goal somewhat realistic and “baby step-ish” if that’s even a thing. I would really like to do better about finishing fun things I start. (Kind of ironic since I can’t seem to finish a resolution…) Whether it be a project or a hobby or even reading an actual, paper bound book, and not just an article on my phone. It seems like these days life just gets so busy and it is so easy for things you enjoy to get pushed to the back burner for chores and tasks and mundane everyday things. So, this year, I am going to try to be more intentional about taking some time for myself every now and then, even if it’s just to color a page in my coloring book. ;)